humans of ripple must be 18+

  • zero nicotine

    You have now landed in a plant powered utopia.
    Get ready to join the f**k nicotine movement.

You have now landed in a plant powered utopia.
Get ready to join the f**k nicotine movement.

zero nicotine
  • zero nicotine

  • plant based ingredients

  • vegan formulas

  • born in the UK

“In an age of busier-than-ever-lifestyles, ripple+ has gotten aromatherapy right. Their plant-powered aromatic diffusers have become an on-the-go wellness staple.”

"The brand’s nicotine-free, plant powered diffusers feature unique combinations of natural ingredients and are created with every mood in mind"

“ripple+ has revolutionised aromatherapy for good, with custom combinations of ingredients such as peppermint, tropical mango and jasmine.“

  • vogue logo

have it all



Discover our full collection of plant-powered aromas. From
peppermint to mango, there is a ripple+ for every mood.

Shop now
London, UK 🇬🇧

"I used to struggle falling asleep until ripple+ has banished all bad bedtime moments. DREAM is so soothing and aromatic. Thank you for such a revolutionizing product"

Madison M.
Paris, France 🇫🇷

"Absolutely LOVE these! The POWER aroma has such a refreshing minty hit and it's great for when you need a quick pick-me-up"

Bria B.
L.A, USA 🇺🇸

"The jasmine one is so aromatic, it really helps calm my anxiety. I use it every night - thank you ripple!"

Katy D.
Milan, Italy 🇮🇹

“ZEST is my favourite: the lemon aroma is so refreshing and instantly helps me feel invigorated”

London, UK 🇬🇧

“The ingredient line-ups are so well curated and carefully thought out. I'm a big fan of the functional plant extract combinations - great product!”


“The mango aroma really hits the spot. This product really beats any other alternative I have seen on the market”

Erin E.
London, UK 🇬🇧

“I use my lavender ripple+ to nap. I'm a toddler mum struggling to sleep, so this came at the perfect time!”

recycle your ripple+

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10% off your next online order.

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